Sunday, January 23, 2022

"Mick" was the first candidate to declare his intentions to run.

June 8, 2021
By Jonathan J. Cooper

Retired Maj. Gen. Michael “Mick” McGuire, (click here) who led the Arizona National Guard through the state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, formally began his campaign for U.S. Senate on Tuesday, becoming the second major Republican looking to unseat Democrat Mark Kelly.

McGuire introduced himself with an online video highlighting his military career and presenting himself as a political outsider tired of “weak leaders” and “politicians who sit on the sidelines.”

McGuire calls in the video for securing the border, and says he opposes abortion, will protect 1st and 2nd Amendment rights and “will walk shoulder to shoulder with law enforcement.”

In an interview, he said he's a “strict conservative constitutionalist cut from the same cloth as Antonin Scalia," the former U.S. Supreme Court justice who advocated interpreting the Constitution as the framers intended. He said he wants to use the leadership skilled he honed from a career in military command to unite a Republican Party fractured between supporters and critics of former President Donald Trump....

He seems like an nice guy that has all the verbiage of a serious Repuglican candidate, but, do we really need a general in the US Senate. Anyone who has seen the military budget would differ on his seat of power.