Friday, December 10, 2021

I didn’t think I would be saying thank you to Republicans this morning.

 Thank you for passing the increase to the debt ceiling Senator Lindsey Graham was crying, “Mommy, Mommy, Donald Trump is going to hurt me.” True Republicans that love their country looked across the expanse of the horizon when communists feel emboldened and knew their military could not show an inkling of weakness. 

This is an important time for the USA and allies to stand strong and end any doubt about our dedication to freedom and democracy. This could very well be the ultimate challenge to us on the heels of the weakest president in USA history. After Trump catered to our enemies as if they were friends, the USA has to stand it’s ground and push back to protect all others in the world that love free freedom and democracy and stands with us.

It is a very important time for our country and we need the Congress unified and not divided. Putin is still represented by Trump and no one should forget that.

Thank you to every Republican that passed the debt ceiling.