The death of George Floyd happened anyway. The idea a video is contaminating a jury pool is ludicrous. The police were aware people were video recording their arrest of Mr. Floyd. It didn’t matter to them because they were more interested in killing the man. If the police knowing killed a man in full view of the public what makes anyone think it is going to matter in a murder trial?
Four officers murdered George Floyd. One is on trial. ???? The other three don’t matter?
The video taped evidence will be seen by the jury as evidence. Does it matter whether the evidence was viewed more than once?
Ready for this? Is the USA racist? You betcha. There is a lawsuit that came out today against the NFL. Why? Because their settlement of the concussion lawsuits also included a race factor. Black athletes were scored differently from Caucasian athletes. Who did this? The NFL is corrupt to the core.
YES, racism is corruption!