Friday, January 08, 2021

Remove Trump

Mike Pence has proven himself a reliable patriot to hold power in the presidency until Joe Biden is sworn into office. 

There is no question to the sedition by Trump. This is a matter as to whom’s authority is best for the country right now. Pence is the better choice.

Make the decision. If the Cabinet won’t act due to cowardice, then the US House should proceed now. The Cabinet should have acted as the riot was occurring.

I hear that Pence was the one to order the Secretary of the Navy to send the National Guard. There is no question Vice President Pence never really signed on to Trump’s plans. He was the one true American Trump had no power to replace. It could be him that saved lives. He obviously did not know of the dynamic between Trump and the QANON mob as he carried out the proceedings of the Electoral College.

Pence was not valued by his own president to end the violence and save lives. Trump is not trustworthy at any level.