Thursday, January 28, 2021

Did Paul Ryan provide the model for the narrow casting?

“Narrow Casting” as exampled by the relationship between Trump and Fox News needs to be outlawed because it breeds decent in a civilized society that is unfounded and threatens sovereignty in democracies like the USA and Europe. It provides a disruptive tool to the enemies of a democracy. 

Infotainment when constructed with lies and narrow casting has to be outlawed. It is like yelling fire in a theater, only the theater is democracy, freedom, and liberty. Narrow Casting when constructed with lies is the enemy because it supplies the danger to the sovereign state.

To those who state Trump was an irresponsible practitioner and therefore it isn’t the stylized broadcast of lies that is the problem, but, the practitioner. Fine, but, Trump was an irresponsible practitioner and Fox News allowed and even embraced it for its own reasons such as ratings which equates wealth. That proves the danger is real and the fire needs more than a single fire truck to put out the blaze. It takes the National Guard which was delayed by the same irresponsible practitioner costing hundreds of injuries and deaths to precious people that were loved and admired for the care they exerted to our nation’s capital making it safe for children to visit. 

The people injured and dead should file a class action suit against Fox News and its practitioners. Fox News never stopped to ask whether they should conduct lies as if facts because they didn’t care about the outcome. News is news even if it is self-generated. Or is it something else dangerous and maiming?