Thursday, January 28, 2021

As President Biden plans to open schools...

 ... please first conference with mayors of major cities, especially now that we know about the variants. 

Chicago Public Schools opened under the Trump insistence. Ten thousand students returned to in person class. As the days worn on students began to return to stay at home virtual lessons. 

The demographic of the returning student was primarily Caucasian. The Hispanic and Black students stayed home. Everyone could guess why, but, the childhood and young adult deaths from COVID-19 are strongly leaning minority. 

There is no child vaccine.

Simple answers for in-person classes at any level of education does not exist. I strongly believe school openings is a case by case basis depending on virus statistics in children but also adults. Adults must be well to care for children. 

Take it slow. The children will lead the way when they are ready to be among each other. My personal experience is that there is anxiety even in the youngest of children while wearing their masks and using hand sanitizer. When a child feels threatened they miss their parents when normally they wouldn’t. I think students in the classroom with other children are obedient to the demands on them but are distracted at the same time in a way that normally would not occur. I just think they belong at home where they feel secure. What is the expression? “You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.”