Mitch McConnell is PROVEN to bend to the will of China and Russia for his personal wealth, power, and influence.
All Mitch's boats were manufactured in China with Chinese steel.
Mitch McConnell is the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate. (click here) McConnell fast-tracked the PROMESA bill through the Senate. He made sure that a minimum wage cut to $4.25, and the installation of a powerful Financial Control Board, went through quickly – with virtually no debate and no amendment.
It is therefore ironic, that Mitch McConnell has been linked to the distribution and sale of 90 pounds of cocaine.
A boat was recently detained before leaving from Colombia.
During the search, the Colombian Coast Guard discovered 90 pounds of cocaine, in forty neat packets.
The vessel’s is named Ping May – one of sixteen ships operated by the Foremost Maritime Corporation (FMC).
(Foremost is McConnell's million dollar contributor to his private wealth.)
The imported coal from China sold for less than domestically mined coal. The USA never needed imported coal and it still doesn't. The USA continues to be the one country in the entire world with enormous quantities of coal.