The USA needs federal legislation requiring face masks in public otherwise there will be fines. Additionally, there needs to be mandatory testing of all Americans for a proper understanding of the extent of the infection of the virus. Contact tracing can follow a positive COVID-19 result and the USA can finally end this hideous virus from destroying lives and our democracy.
Governor Abbot from Texas stated the current methods being used don't work and strongly believe masks in public is mandatory with fines for not wearing them. If every American wore masks in public and practiced social distancing the virus would end by the simple fact there are no available victims.
The federal legislation must be veto-proof. The governors could say if any funding would be necessary. I might not need a great deal of funding. Most Americans can afford masks.
This virus, no different SARS, has to end. It has to be eradicated. There can be no more casual approach to this and certainly NO DENIAL OF THE SERIOUS OF COVID-19.
May 5, 2020
Disposable masks should be disposed of in separate contains, no different than recycle has it's own disposal.
To slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (click here) that causes COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public places where social distancing is difficult to maintain, such as grocery stores. And on June 23, Gov. Jay Inslee made face coverings mandatory statewide for most people in public....