June 11, 2020
By Saphora Smith and Abigail Williams
The Trump administration (click here) launched an attack Thursday on the International Criminal Court, which is set up to prosecute war crimes and genocide, authorizing economic sanctions against officials investigating or prosecuting U.S. personnel without Washington’s consent.
The decision to slap sanctions on court officials comes after ICC appeals judges authorized an investigation in March into allegations of war crimes by U.S. military and intelligence personnel, Afghan forces and the Taliban in Afghanistan.
President Donald Trump also authorized the expansion of visa restrictions against ICC officials and their family members....
FOX News has committed fraud during a very dangerous time for the country. This isn't just tabloid journalism. This is a fraud as propaganda to increase the fear of African Americans and support for police. Now, Trump wants to stop the International Criminal Court from proceeding in important work. There is something here that is very troubling and the US Congress must stop it. People are being hurt and killed and the tensions in the country has grown during a global pandemic. There is something very, very wrong with the relationship between FOX News and Donald John Trump.
June 13, 2020
By Peter Wade
After Rolling Stone first spotted a June 2 Fox News video report (click here) where the network selectively edited out police overreacting with guns drawn and handcuffing the wrong people in Los Angeles, now the network has been busted doing the same with photos.
According to the Seattle Times, on Friday Fox News’ website published digitally altered and misleading images to make the largely peaceful demonstrators in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) look violent and dangerous.
One of the altered photos featured a man holding a military-style rifle in front of a smashed out storefront. But according to the Times, the image was actually two different photos — one from May 30 and the other from June 10 — and the armed man was superimposed in front of the broken window.
In another digitally altered image, Fox’s website used the same armed man and spliced his image with a photo of a sign that read: “You are now entering Free Cap Hill” to make it appear as though gunmen are standing at the zone’s entrance....