Mr. Brooks was not offered a sobriety test. He should not be dead. What can anyone purchase as Wendy’s that will make a person drunk? Drunkenness is not illegal. He did not appear to be drunk. It is also not illegal to be too tired to driver. Such fatigue requires responsibility to leave the road and rest. Sometimes a rest area is not available.
What does it say about a society that ridicules a person sleeping responsibly so long as the car is not too hot? Life has gotten strange in regard to living vs. regulations. A person requires space to exist. We have witnessed SWAT team in Albuquerque slaying a man who could not even find a place to exist outside the city in a park. It has gotten ridiculous in this country.
EPA regulations can be dissolved to accommodate ill gotten gains at the cost of human health, but, regulations must exist to handle people asleep in a car. Hideous and to think it lead to the death of a man.