I congratulate all those that marched to defeat racism, bigotry, and discrimination.
Hate is not okay.
Oppression is not okay.
Police endangering the life of another MUST be reported and removed from the ranks. Any resistance to that resolve is CORRUPTION.
There is no discussion. There is no dangerous restraint allowed. Period. If a suspect runs away - run after them. If they get away, swear out an arrest warrant at the prosecutor's office and actively seek to resolve the warrant WITHOUT danger to the police or the suspect and innocent bystanders.
There are too many guns on the street. That is part of the reason for these problems. Every police officer is a swat member in order to be safe on the street. This is ridiculous. Our streets aren't safe and our officers feel they need to have privileges to carry out an assault against citizens.
If a police officer needs special privileges to do their jobs, it is called corruption. Hate is corruption. Arrogance is corruption. Special privileges is corruption. This is the USA. This is not Russia. Some people may be confused about that.
Deadly force is allowed when people are a deadly danger in violation of the law. Stopping a murder or a mass shooting means officers are allowed NOW to end the danger, but, not carry out the justice that is supposed to be rendered by the people and their judges. Honest judges. Honest prosecutors. It is called due process and it is dearly different than Russia's idea of justice.
The USA states, "innocent until proven guilty." It was the basis of our Founders and our Constitution. No police officer is judge and jury. NONE.