Net worth: 2.4 billion (click here)
The majority of that money has come from governments, especially that of the USA federal and locals. The local governments contract training for their SWAT teams.
So, the proposed take over of the world for Prince's financial well being is hardly an issue.
Erik Prince, no different than Duvos and all the other LOYALISTS in Trump World have their own agendas. Erik Prince is more than willing to take his skills while in service to the USA government to find SOMETHING to exploit by spying for political reasons. Somehow, the complaining about the Steele Dossier makes more sense than ever. I could never understand what the big fuss was because it was reviewed by the Former Director of the FBI Robert Mueller before including any information in his investigation. The complaints were because Prince was stressed out. See, he understands what spying can do if real information is found and he didn't want his benefactor, Donald "Kompromat" Trump to lose the presidency.
Very interesting.
Does anyone realize the level of trouble Erik Prince would cause if he is successful in replacing the USA military with his private companies? There is absolutely no reason to replace the USA military. None. As a matter of fact, the proposition of Mayor Pete Buttigieg when he was running for the presidency would make Erik Prince a happy man. Imagine Erik Prince heading up the privatized US Military. OMG.

By Mark Mazzetti and Adam Goldman
Five security guards (click here) from Blackwater Worldwide have been indicted on charges related to a 2007 shooting in which 17 Iraqis were killed in a Baghdad square, two sources said Friday.

Washington - Erik Prince, (click here) the security contractor with close ties to the Trump administration, has in recent years helped recruit former American and British spies for secretive intelligence-gathering operations that included infiltrating Democratic congressional campaigns, labor organizations and other groups considered hostile to the Trump agenda, according to interviews and documents.
One of the former spies, an ex-MI6 officer named Richard Seddon, helped run a 2017 operation to copy files and record conversations in a Michigan office of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the largest teachers’ unions in the nation. Mr. Seddon directed an undercover operative to secretly tape the union’s local leaders and try to gather information that could be made public to damage the organization, documents show.
Using a different alias the next year, the same undercover operative infiltrated the congressional campaign of Abigail Spanberger, then a former C.I.A. officer who went on to win an important House seat in Virginia as a Democrat. The campaign discovered the operative and fired her....