Trump has really done it this time. China, Russia and Iran just completed war games in the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean, North Korea has an itchy trigger finger and Trump violated the no assassination policy. The UN Security will be ground zero tomorrow morning. Trump has no policy of peace.
The USA policy that removed targeted assassinations as an option on foreign soil began when Nixon’s CIA was plotting against Castro and other Latin American leaders.
How exposed is the USA in Cuba and Venezuela?
China was having talks with Japan and South Korea under the guise of trade talks. Perhaps it was, but, it is difficult to believe North Korea and Hong Kong didn’t enter the discussions as well.
At the forefront of all this is the lack of a national security staff.
On top the of all this, domestically, the Republicans have submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court to reverse Roe v Wade.
The stage is being set for elections of 2020 and Trump is wagering high on all fronts and the Middle East is all part of the gamble.
Turkey’s government has voted to open a war front in Libya. It is doing so without consideration of NATO, best I can tell.
Australia is locked in a different battle against the climate crisis, extensive wildfires
I hesitate to discuss Israel and the increased threat Trump has leveraged against it. Talking tough is one thing, but, the Shia crescent has been turned loose. It has become impossible to estimate the danger.
If any Shi’ite authority has their pulse on the crescent it would be Nasrallah. The immediate concerns domestically has to be higher concerns for terrorism. We are back to a 911 status.