Iran is not Syria.
If he actually takes action like he shouldn't the evidence to the FACTS will eventually come out. He also better not kill anyone. NO ONE. This was an unmanned drone and there was nothing that occurred here except Trump's embarrassment.
I don't believe him. I believe he instructed the USA SECRETARY OF STATE TO GET EVIDENCE ON IRAN and they lost their drone over Iran and/or territorial waters. Pompeo was just at Centcom (click here). This is the result of Pompeo's visit.
Iran had every right to defend its people. There are some drones that are huge and have the capacity of jet fighters. Iran did what Iran had to do.
The drone went down in Iranian waters or very, very close to it. This is what happens when very expensive and sophisticated military equipment is in the hands of warmongers.
The USA should apologize and get over it. The fact of the matter is the Iranians now have the drone and will dissect it to mimic the technology. Trump's White House was WRONG to use this drone for a mission to FIND EVIDENCE to make a case against Iran. There is no case against Iran. There are international inspectors in and out of that country all the time. There is no reason to escalate tensions with Iran.
Trump needs to make concessions to Iran and get back to the peace tables.