Hickenlooper is the petroleum industry. It is not surprising he is running because he will receive plenty of oily money to do so. He should never be elected.
Methane/"natural gas" is not an alternative green fuel. Absolutely not.
The new promise by the petroleum industry's assault of Earth's troposphere is that methane is the answer. It is not.
Basically, the petroleum industry has no conscience and decided a long time ago to push the tolerance of Earth's troposphere for profits. The profits were hideous and that showed up in a very profound way when the industry's oil commodity lost value. At the industry's drills sites, the cost of even a wrench was amped up by multiples during the time of $100 per barrel and suppliers could not get their inflated prices when the price fell abruptly to modern day lows.
The pertroleum industry and their CEOs are criminal no different than the tobacco industry has been. They knew and had the knowledge of the danger of their product to Earth's troposphere. I might add, recently the US Supreme Court stated the tobacco industry can continue to be sued for it's abuses.