It is a matter of trust. The Russia meeting at Trump Tower that is. To me Donald Trump has not redeemed himself from an illegal meeting through to this latest episode with a Tweet.
Helsinki 2018 is evidence that there is a continuity between Trump and Russia. As is the meeting with Russian diplomats the day after Mr. Comey was fired. Trump provided classified information to those diplomats.
Donald Trump is determined to have the USA kneel to Russia, while defaming and disrespecting USA allies.
The Trump Campaign broke the law of the USA when they met with the Russians. The Campaign continues to deny they broke the law. They broke the law.
When President Obama wanted to impress voters to win the election he went to Germany. He wanted to make a speech at the Brandenburg Gate. He was told by Germany he was not yet President to make such a speech. He later during that trip spoke to a large German crowd. President Obama didn’t seek out dirt on John McCain. President Obama went on to adhere to the USA’s allies throughout his administration without question. Donald Trump is not a credible USA leader. His further dilussion is the Kushner Israel - Palestinian Peace Deal. They want to displace Palestinians and Netanyahu is currently blaming Egypt for.the problems in Gaza.
The list of offensive Trump behavior within the power of the Presidency indicates a man with no respect for the office or the power the people of the USA invests in that office. HE WASN’T GIVEN A CHRISTMAS PRESENT!
His offensive activities before the election has just continued after the election to favor Russia. He hasn’t redeemed himself as trustworthy. If he didn’t do a 180 degree turn from election to inauguration he probably would be in better standing with Americans. But, he has never waivered from his loyalty to Russia. That is U.N.-American.