There is nothing wrong with making money that is open and above board, but, this mess? Dear god how far would Paul Manafort go to ensure his pockets were lined with Russian ruples?
The land called The United States of America belongs to it's citizenry. Ukraine was being wrangled away from the citizens and Manafort was to blame. He was at the lead in electing Viktor Yanukovych to Ukraine's presidency. Ukraine's 2004 constitution was a beautiful document that was torn to pieces by the Russians. There was nothing stopping Manafort. He continued to reap the rewards of an American on foreign soil bringing ideas that worked and robbed the citizenry of their freedom. That is not in the best interest of the USA. Sooner or later, it becomes obvious this guy doesn't give a hoot about the USA.
After the Russian dominated Ukraine government fell he also racked in millions upon millions of dollars ruthlessly in promises he could never carry out. Over $16 million from a bank where the loan officer expected to become the Secretary of the Navy. That is a civilian position where people within the industry affiliated with the military frequently are appointed and they absolutely direct wealth into their former employer's banks. It isn't really corruption exactly because the US military would have conducted business with them anyway.
In all honesty, Manafort's particular type of corruption looks exactly like the White House and it's revolving door of appointees and cabinet members. It is like a Disneyland Ticket to national security clearance viewing the country from the side of government with Don, Jr. stating, I know a guy in the White House that might be interested in employing you for a while. It is like Virgin Atlantic when it was handing out vacation time to it's executives to play on other company playgrounds for a while, only this is the White House. So much for national security.
I am confident Robert Mueller's prosecutors will be successful. The country needs to pay attention, it is how powerful men go bad when they believe the Russian government is in control and there is nothing that can touch them.
By Carrie Johnson
Updated at 11:00 a.m. ET (click here)
Most tax and bank fraud cases are built on stacks of bland business documents and Internal Revenue Service paperwork — hardly the stuff of international intrigue.
But the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, which began Tuesday in a suburban Washington, D.C., courthouse, promises to upend those low expectations.
Lawyers working for special counsel Robert Mueller plan to call witnesses they say demonstrate where Manafort spent his allegedly ill-gotten gains: custom-made suits; Persian rugs; landscaping fees; Land Rovers and Mercedes-Benz vehicles; and season tickets to the New York Yankees, among other items....