To begin, Jeff Sessions is a known racist. He is a White Supremacist. That is a fact. He attends their meetings and makes speeches to them. The most recent that I am aware of was in California within the past year. Steve Scalise attends the meetings of White Supremacists in Europe.
Question: Realizing the US Republicans rely on White Supremacists to win their elections does anyone actually think they will impeach a White Supremacist president?
But, as to Jeff Sessions, I want to point to his stupidity in treating "The Sheriff" as a unique invention of Anglo-American law enforcement.
Question: What are the words for "Sheriff" around the world? Mostly, was the SS a Third Reich sheriff?
The problem with having Republicans elected to office that are stupid is the problem. They don't know anything about leadership, compassion, their place in government or how to govern. But, the worst part is Sessions says stupid stuff like this and the entire world knows he is not only a racist, but, totally absorbed in his electorate base of people who vote with their skin color rather than their ability to address their own best interest.
Got that? I am always interested when racism is overt as with Sessions, but, the most interesting part is what he or any White Supremacist says, because it is always stupid, ie: Trump, the bankruptcy president billionaire plutocrat. By the way, when looking at the electorate of the Republican Party there are a high percentage that have declared bankruptcy and renamed their businesses without blinking an eye. Bankruptcy to people like Trump is a tool, not a problem thrust upon them by irreverent Wall Street.
12 February 2018
By Alex Kaspark
...I want to close (click here) by reiterating my deep appreciation and profound thanks to the men and women of law enforcement […] and I want to thank every sheriff in America. Since our founding, the independently elected Sheriff has been the people’s protector, who keeps law enforcement close to and accountable to people through the elected process.
The office of Sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement, we must never erode this historic office, I know this, you know this, we want to be partners, we don’t want to be bosses, we want to strengthen you and make you be more effective in your work....
I want the swastika banned from public view, including tattoo parlors. It is a symbol of hate without any sincere use otherwise. No different than the Confederate Flag off public lands and sequestered only to appropriate museums, the swastika needs to be eliminated. It is not an American symbol. The swastika is an expression of anti-semitism as well. That meaning is built into it.
I want the swastika banned from public view, including tattoo parlors. It is a symbol of hate without any sincere use otherwise. No different than the Confederate Flag off public lands and sequestered only to appropriate museums, the swastika needs to be eliminated. It is not an American symbol. The swastika is an expression of anti-semitism as well. That meaning is built into it.