Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Are American sheriffs better than sheriffss any place else?

That is what Sessions is saying. He is saying Common Law (the Republicans' Common Sense) is better in the USA than any other country.

Sessions is trying to say the Anglo-American basis of law that sheriffs supposedly practice is better than any other law anywhere. This is all part of the dogma that comes along with Republicans. In other words, sheriffs are elected and they carry out common law practice in law enforcement. It is another way of saying anarchy is best unless there are some deplorables in the town; namely those with different skin color. You have to buy into this mess to understand it, okay?

Common law is ancient law and has been practiced globally since the beginning of time. So, are there sheriffs in other places? Sure. Part of what is wrong with the ISI in Pakistan is the influence the lcoals carry to law enforcement.

A sheriff by any other name is an elder in most cultures where law is disseminated among the people. So, in places like Afghanistan, one of the hurdles for the USA military was making friends with tribal elders. They were the law.

So, the idea there is a sheriff elected by the people to carry out the will of the people is not new, it is not exclusively Anglo anything and it is not at all Americans. Americans adopted such practices from England where the Sheriff of Nottingham was a living horror.

In the USA there are good sheriffs and there are bad ones. The bad ones are elected repeatedly, like Arpaio, because of "the badge" and the faith the people put into that badge. So, how can a bad sheriff be elected over and over again? They do basic law enforcement and the corruption is never detected.

The minorities in the USA know all to well how they become the subject of law enforcement and end up convicted of crimes they never committed. In a conversation with a southern lawyer, he told me the word misdemeanor is becoming meaningless. 

He was a county prosecutor for five years and he stated the cases he is now defending in his civilian defense practice would have never been brought to court in the first place when he was a prosecutor. He said innocent people are finding themselves facing a judge and don't know why. He also said there are many people convicted fo misdeameanors and it is becoming common place. Not that people aren't angry about it, but, it simply doesn't matter in society most of the time.

He blamed extremist politics on the victimization of basically innocent people. He also stated elected officials will abuse the rights of the public in order to be elected. He has more and more of it over the years. He has a vibrant practice and most of his clients are found innocent. He also said a citizen has to have patience with "the system" in order to be found innocent. That might mean jail until trial or high bail amounts, too.

My point is this: Jeff Sessions is not only stupidly talking to pander to extremist voters, but, he is enforcing corruption.  I know people who have faced these corrupt practices and their plight. I was happy to see addressed by Cenk Uygur. I believe Governor Siegelman.

See, the acceptance of corruption becomes a way of life, UNTIL, it suits the best interests of those that want power. I think Governor Siegelman addresses that clearly in that the governance he had was not necessarily of his making and he was caught up in a process that worked against him simply because he was Governor and made an appointment that was repeated many times before him.

This stuff is scary, but, I know it's real. I know cabals exist in this country and innocent people suffer because of it. This level of corruption cannot continue to exist because when good people are elected, they find themselves nothing more than pawns in a game of control by those with money.

So, Sessions? He is nothing more than a cog in the corrupt mechanism of the GOP. He was successfully kept at bay for a long time, until Trump decided Sessions was his minion.