The last time there were substantial demonstrations, including deaths of dearly wonderful Iranian people, the elections reflected a far more open Iran with leadership that brought an agreement with P5+1. Right now most Iranians are looking at each other and wondering what the heck happened that brought the level of terrorists?
See, there have never been terrorists from Iran (click here) and the people don't deserve this level of hatred. This is where the Trump White House fails democracy and international relationships. There is a gross difference between the people and the government.
The Iranian government is known as a state sponsor of terror. That may be true in considering the USA or Israel has successfully intercepted military shipments to the Houthis and Hezbollah. But, with Hezbollah becoming an autonomous organization with the abrupt appearance of ISIS, Iran's influence has to be questioned.
The Trump White House is causing distress among the people of Iran and creating a paradigm that might work against the best interest of a more friendly Iranian government. The paradigm shift that brought President Hassan Rouhani to leadership may be successfully challenged. That would be a profound loss to the USA's relationship with the Iranian people.
I wish President Rouhani would find his own sanctions to make it clear to the USA that Iran does not breed terrorists within their borders. These current protests are worrisome and to have Trump embrace them without fully understanding their origins and potential outcomes is foolish.
This is the folly of Trump policy regarding Israel. The populous government currently within the USA government are plainly stupid about democracy and economics. President Rouhani needs to point to the naive USA government when making an impression on the international community regarding very belated travel sanctions. It would not be such a stark surprise to have had "W" place travel sanctions on the countries where terrorists called home until the USA had a chance to react to the attacks of September 11, 2001. But, today? Ridiculous.
The USA Supreme Court examines ONLY the right of the USA President to institute travel bans to protect the USA within it's borders, not the necessity of it's timing. Trump is paranoid another 911 will occur because he doesn't have a clue about international relations and USA national security. I would think the political paranoia is obvious in all his actions when it comes to these ideas.
Given a former CEO of Exxonmobile is in the State Department should raise the issue as to how much foreign oil is the USA now receiving. When a Republican majority passed an amendment to a necessary budget allowing the export of USA oil and gas, there was a paradigm shift that requires scrutiny. How much more oil imports exist now that Tillerson is running the State Department and can it be balanced with USA domestic oil being exported?
USA international relations are a matter of decades if not centuries of administrations, including individual state relations for trade. The idea a single populous White House can simply tip the scales willy-nilly is hideous and to consider President Trump is in violation of the Emoluments Clause makes it all that much more corrupt to the core.
See, there have never been terrorists from Iran (click here) and the people don't deserve this level of hatred. This is where the Trump White House fails democracy and international relationships. There is a gross difference between the people and the government.
The Iranian government is known as a state sponsor of terror. That may be true in considering the USA or Israel has successfully intercepted military shipments to the Houthis and Hezbollah. But, with Hezbollah becoming an autonomous organization with the abrupt appearance of ISIS, Iran's influence has to be questioned.
The Trump White House is causing distress among the people of Iran and creating a paradigm that might work against the best interest of a more friendly Iranian government. The paradigm shift that brought President Hassan Rouhani to leadership may be successfully challenged. That would be a profound loss to the USA's relationship with the Iranian people.
I wish President Rouhani would find his own sanctions to make it clear to the USA that Iran does not breed terrorists within their borders. These current protests are worrisome and to have Trump embrace them without fully understanding their origins and potential outcomes is foolish.
This is the folly of Trump policy regarding Israel. The populous government currently within the USA government are plainly stupid about democracy and economics. President Rouhani needs to point to the naive USA government when making an impression on the international community regarding very belated travel sanctions. It would not be such a stark surprise to have had "W" place travel sanctions on the countries where terrorists called home until the USA had a chance to react to the attacks of September 11, 2001. But, today? Ridiculous.
The USA Supreme Court examines ONLY the right of the USA President to institute travel bans to protect the USA within it's borders, not the necessity of it's timing. Trump is paranoid another 911 will occur because he doesn't have a clue about international relations and USA national security. I would think the political paranoia is obvious in all his actions when it comes to these ideas.
Given a former CEO of Exxonmobile is in the State Department should raise the issue as to how much foreign oil is the USA now receiving. When a Republican majority passed an amendment to a necessary budget allowing the export of USA oil and gas, there was a paradigm shift that requires scrutiny. How much more oil imports exist now that Tillerson is running the State Department and can it be balanced with USA domestic oil being exported?
USA international relations are a matter of decades if not centuries of administrations, including individual state relations for trade. The idea a single populous White House can simply tip the scales willy-nilly is hideous and to consider President Trump is in violation of the Emoluments Clause makes it all that much more corrupt to the core.
January 1, 2018
By Trita Parsi
In a matter of days, (click here) protests in Iran have quickly spread across the country, taking the government by surprise and leaving analysts and pundits alike confused. Part of the reason many have been caught off guard is because these protests appear quite different from their 2009 predecessor -- in terms of size, leadership and objective.
By Trita Parsi
In a matter of days, (click here) protests in Iran have quickly spread across the country, taking the government by surprise and leaving analysts and pundits alike confused. Part of the reason many have been caught off guard is because these protests appear quite different from their 2009 predecessor -- in terms of size, leadership and objective.
But another reason is that the drivers of these protests are from a segment of the population that has rarely figured into Iran's political developments in the past two decades -- those who never believed or have lost hope in the idea of real change through reform....