Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The first notable "Temperate Disturbance" manifested in latitudes where "Temperate Rainforests" exist.

The current wind map. (click here) Kindly note the top speed is 24.3 miles per hour. If the phenomena that had been sending out severe weather for 48 hours existed in the tropics it would be considered a "Tropical Disturbance."

Tropical Disturbance: (click here)

A discrete tropical weather system of apparently organized convection -- generally 100 to 300 nmi in diameter -- originating in the tropics or subtropics, having a nonfrontal migratory character, and maintaining its identity for 24 hours or more. It may or may not be associated with a detectable perturbation of the wind field.

Given the longitude and latitude of the disturbance this phenomena is best named a "Temperate Distrubance." The special aspect that describes it in this fashion is the definition from NOAA.

To the right:

June 14, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the north and west hemisphere

"...maintaining its identity for 24 hours or more. It may or may not be associated with a detectable perturbation of the wind field."

The phenomena never dissipated it's wind field for over 48 hours. This phenomena is NOT a mid-latitude vortex. It has a very different pattern of behavior than a mid-latitude vortex. It emitted severe weather that carried with it high winds and torrential rain. These severe weather patterns were sustained for hours all to themselves. This is not a normal mid-latitude vortex. This is a phenomena with characteristics of a Superstorm, but, more in that it emitted severe storms from within it's own physics.

June 13, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of north and west hemisphere

A Tropical Disturbance is named so because it sustains itself in a wind pattern without attaining "Tropical Storm" sustained winds. This "Temperate Disturbance" has the same sustained pattern but at higher latitudes. It is my opinion this Temperate Disturbance needs to be defined as it may escalate to a sustained status that will build to higher wind speeds IF the smaller storms cease. If the higher winds are met, we will have seen the first of s high latitude "Temperate Storm" no different in nature of the "Tropical Storm." It will be the first LAND BASED storms of this nature.

June 13, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the north and west hemisphere

The phenomena as it existed today is unique to any past weather patterns. I have never seen anything like it in 17 years of observations of the North America continent. The most interesting thing about this phenomena is realized when noted there are "Temperate Rainforests" at this latitude. Those Temperate Rainforests have existed a very long time.

The June 13, 2017, 1430.18z satellite image ended the 48 hours prior the Temperate Disturbance established a pattern of severe storm emissions. The previous two satellite images is it's transformation from Temperate Disturbance to mid-latitude vortex. The 48 hour phenomena was never a mid-latitude vortex.