Great Britain has sincere sovereign concerns regarding their relationship with the European Union. Prime Minister Cameron stated he was rather proud of bringing about some British parliamentary procedure while he was President of the EU.
Cameron is in full recognition of the people to their referendum to terminate ties with the European Union. But, some of the side effects of the referendum is resulting in alarming consequences. Hatred of immigrants and people less popular in British society have taken shape. I believe there is some sincere fear among the people in regard to the exploitation of their democracy.
Great Britain is a smaller country in the world. They have a commanding percentage of the global GDP in relation to the population. It is easy to say, regardless of the rumblings of financial stability by farmers and others, it is a very wealthy country.
That said, the people are finding concern with issues outside of their normal lives. They are concerned about diluting their society and losing their culture. Long standing Brits have become intolerant of openness and accepting others into their country.
If Great Britain is a microcosm of democracy, it pays to look at the people and whether or not they believe in actuality that their culture and heritage to their children are at risk. Recognizing the concerns and fears, outside of political hacks, should be known in a naitonal dialogue.
The people of the United Kingdom are important to all of us. They need to be understood and not simply dismissed as politics. This decision, from the sounds of it's current leaders, is about more than politics.