Thursday, April 14, 2016

Noam Chomsky agrees with Sarah Palin....

The esteemed linguist and philosopher examines one of America's most insidious breeds of political corruption 

"...with the public marginalized."

April 12, 2016
By Alexander Rosenmann
Elections are rigged by many factors. (click here) But as Noam Chomsky explains, policy plays only a small role in electing candidates.
“Right after the election, President Obama won an award from the advertising industry for the best marketing campaign and the International Business Press executives were euphoric,” Chomsky recalls in the 2015 documentary Requiem for the American Dream. They said, We’ve been marketing candidates like toothpaste since Reagan. This is the greatest achievement we have.”
The 2008 election marked a turning point in social media strategy and Facebook users bombardment of posts that used the new “I Voted” app was just one aspect of this phenomenon. President Obama, in fact, used Twitter to announce that he won – similarly to how 2016’s candidates engage with voters on Snapchat.
“Regardless of your political affiliation, one can’t help but admire the Obama campaign’s relentless and successful marketing strategy,” said World Wildlife Fund senior strategist Brigid Milligan, after Obama was reelected in 2012....