Wednesday, December 03, 2014

The new Commission appointed is the only hope to change the fact police officers kill when they shouldn't.

December 3, 2014
By Josh Margolin

...Here are five things you need to know: (click here)
The case is being heard by a grand jury on Staten Island, officially known as Richmond County.
The District Attorney's office is well-regarded, but remains the smallest of the five D.A.’s offices in New York City. It is also the only office headed by a Republican, Daniel Donovan. Staten Island is the only borough of New York City where the Republican Party has any real presence whatsoever.
Historically, police officers from nearby boroughs such as Brooklyn and Queens live or have lived on Staten Island....

A jury of your peers. There is better than 50% chance there were families of police officers on the grande jury.

August 4 2014
By J. David Goodman
...For two weeks after the death (click here) of a Staten Island man in police custody, frustration simmered as the city awaited the results of the autopsy. The mayor offered sympathy. The police promised better training. But now, with the medical examiner’s conclusion that the death was a homicide, by chokehold and chest compression, the investigation — and most significantly, the question of whether to prosecute any police officers — rests in the hands of the Staten Island district attorney’s office.

It is a decision fraught with legal and political complications, all the more so because Staten Island is home to many police officers and, more than any other borough, is seen as sympathetic to law enforcement....

...Joel Berger, a civil rights lawyer who worked for the city’s Law Department, said that the criminal justice system was often ill suited to handle allegations of police misconduct. That can be particularly true in places like Staten Island, where support for the police is so strong. “There’s always the possibility, Staten Island being Staten Island, that they won’t indict,” Mr. Berger said....

This is wrongful death and absolutely negligent homicide. It has to be a civil case now. The system is unresponsive to any conviction of officers. It would appear to be systemic throughout the country. I don't know how much changed in holding police accountable during the Bush White House, but, my guess is much of the laws were reduced to nothing. It was after Bush was in office for a year or two after 911 the police nationwide started using bullet barrages against citizens.

The country is riddled with this now. The commission President Obama called for will receive evidence. All this has to be submitted to the commission. Especially helpful will be witnesses present with first hand information.