Park City, Utah
June 13, 2014
Mitt Romney insisted Friday that he would not attempt a third presidential run in 2016. But he sounded very much like the candidate he once was as he sharply criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton's record and denigrated the "Obama-Biden-Clinton" foreign policy as a "monumental bust."
June 13, 2014
Mitt Romney insisted Friday that he would not attempt a third presidential run in 2016. But he sounded very much like the candidate he once was as he sharply criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton's record and denigrated the "Obama-Biden-Clinton" foreign policy as a "monumental bust."
Opening a foreign policy-focused conference with 300 of his top donors on Friday, Romney chided President Obama for "reaching out a hand of friendship to every nation and people," even those who have endangered U.S. interests, such as Iran and North Korea....
How could we do without the 53%?
I hear Ann has the ultimate in green agendas, "Burn hay, not carbon."
How could we do without the 53%?
I hear Ann has the ultimate in green agendas, "Burn hay, not carbon."