Worried about the membership bolting for the door? Really?
By Kathie Giltinan
March 6, 2014
House Bill 4588, (click here) the proposed ban on abortions at 20 weeks, is an anti-choice extremist proposal that is out of line with what the majority of West Virginians want. It is dangerous for West Virginia women, could make criminals of their doctors and is unlikely to withstand a test of constitutionality should it become law. I am upset our Legislature not only wastes time and money with it, but they may actually pass it....
The limits of the law in 2014 puts women's lives in danger and cast couples into poverty. The profession needs to realize they practice out of ethical standards and advances in that practice and when law impacts those practices in a dangerous way it is the obligation of the profession to speak truth to power.
The extremist abortion laws will cause hardship and deaths. The AMA has a responsibility in that. No enforced adoption at any stage of the pregnancy, that is a choice that needs to be made by the woman and man. Currently states like West Virginia are prohibiting physicians from practicing their conscience and putting their patients in danger.
Opinion 2.01 - Abortion (click here)
The Principles of Medical Ethics of the AMA do not prohibit a physician from performing an abortion in accordance with good medical practice and under circumstances that do not violate the law. (III, IV)
By Kathie Giltinan
March 6, 2014
House Bill 4588, (click here) the proposed ban on abortions at 20 weeks, is an anti-choice extremist proposal that is out of line with what the majority of West Virginians want. It is dangerous for West Virginia women, could make criminals of their doctors and is unlikely to withstand a test of constitutionality should it become law. I am upset our Legislature not only wastes time and money with it, but they may actually pass it....
The limits of the law in 2014 puts women's lives in danger and cast couples into poverty. The profession needs to realize they practice out of ethical standards and advances in that practice and when law impacts those practices in a dangerous way it is the obligation of the profession to speak truth to power.
The extremist abortion laws will cause hardship and deaths. The AMA has a responsibility in that. No enforced adoption at any stage of the pregnancy, that is a choice that needs to be made by the woman and man. Currently states like West Virginia are prohibiting physicians from practicing their conscience and putting their patients in danger.
Opinion 2.01 - Abortion (click here)
The Principles of Medical Ethics of the AMA do not prohibit a physician from performing an abortion in accordance with good medical practice and under circumstances that do not violate the law. (III, IV)
Issued prior to April 1977.
1977? Yeah? That is negligence of practice by the organization the USA relies on.
Passing the buck to the couple or women for protecting their health after a diagnosis and/or determination a woman does not want to continue a pregnancy is malpractice. People need to start suing and organizations have to appeal those suits to the higher courts. But, physicians that refuse service and/or diagnosis an abortion as a reasonable solution should be sued.
H-5.983 Pregnancy Termination (click here)
1977? Yeah? That is negligence of practice by the organization the USA relies on.
Passing the buck to the couple or women for protecting their health after a diagnosis and/or determination a woman does not want to continue a pregnancy is malpractice. People need to start suing and organizations have to appeal those suits to the higher courts. But, physicians that refuse service and/or diagnosis an abortion as a reasonable solution should be sued.
H-5.983 Pregnancy Termination (click here)
The AMA adopted the position that pregnancy termination be performed
only by appropriately trained physicians (MD or DO); and encourages any specialty society which has adopted a contrary position to review and
modify its position to comply with that of the AMA. (Res. 520, A-95; Reaffirmed: CSA Rep. 8, A-03)