Monday, February 10, 2014

The businesses with 50 - 99 employees are slower in their recovery.

Kelly Kennedy
USA Today
February 10, 2014

WASHINGTON — Businesses with more than 50 employees but fewer than 100 (click here) will have an extra year to phase in health insurance coverage of employees who work more than 30 hours a week, Treasury Department officials announced Monday.
Businesses with more than 100 employers will be subject to employee-coverage rules under the Affordable Care Act beginning in January 2015. The mandate to provide insurance had already been delayed one year....

The 2010 Congress that was composed of the extremists from the rightwing cut growth of these businesses.

This is from Brookings.
...Another approach (click here) to expanded lending is through the Small Business Administration. In 2010, the SBA received supplemental appropriations to expand is support of small business lending. As I said earlier, there is a great need to move towards budget balance, but since the economy remains sluggish right now, there is a strong case for making more loans available this year and not fewer. Of course we should not waste taxpayers' money on bad loans, but SBA has done an excellent job under Karen Mills and should have the opportunity to make a bigger contribution to economic recovery....

Most of the small business in the USA that fall in the employee numbers of 50 to 500 actually have the 50 to less than 100 employees. With their recovery sluggish it is understandable demands for changes at this time is ill conceived.