What about Augusta Bay Port Facility? Possible? It is away from the populated areas of Italy. No matter it happens, it is going to disrupt ship traffic.
By Steve Scherer
Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:33pm IST
* Chemical agents must be transferred from Danish to American ship
* Regional opposition growing; port to be named Thursday
There would have to be suspension of any fishing during the time of the transfers to insure SECURITY is maintained. I remind about small vessels and the USS Cole.
Italy, has a strong tourism industry as well, so there is going to be impacts regardless of where it happens. Perhaps NATO can compensate those effected by these temporary interruptions.
Italy, has a strong tourism industry as well, so there is going to be impacts regardless of where it happens. Perhaps NATO can compensate those effected by these temporary interruptions.
Last week we stopped in Augusta Bay, Sicily for a few days. We were set to pull into Naples, Italy and then the night before pulling in the port visit was changed to Sicily. I had signed up for the Rome tour departing from Naples so I was disappointed in the change.
I spent 12 days in Naples, Italy during a deployment back in 1999, spanning Christmas and the Y2K New Year. The Navy didn't want ships out to sea during the Y2K rollover so we got 12 days in port. That is unheard of these days....