Thursday, December 19, 2013

It isn't as though he is burning crosses and inspiring hate.

Leave the guy alone. 

I've never watched the program, but, this is a family, isn't it? How can the show go forward without a member of the family? 

This is not institutional discrimination. This is one person who was asked about his point of view. I really think he cannot relate to the gay community. What is he suppose to do, go into training? He likes girls. A lot of other people like girls including lesbians. Perhaps he can start there.

It is enough the television station stated their policy does not reflect the views of the Mr. Phil. 

It sounds as though his religion has served as a center of strength for him and has worked in his life that was helpful. Good enough. He should live a happy and long life and continue to entertain his audience.

DECEMBER 18, 2013 AT 7:00 AM

The Gospel According to Phil (click here)