Sunday, October 13, 2013

"...They are limiting training for later deploying units..."

The government shutdown is adversely effecting our nation. When the GOP defaults on the USA debt, the effects on the nation will be incredible and last for a very long time. It is one thing to furlough people within government jobs. 

I mean, it is really lousy to do that. The furlough tells our federal employees, "You ain't so important."

But, the debt of our nation is called "Sovereign Debt." It is powerful, isn't it? It was powerful when the USA spent the monies and it will be powerful when it ends.

As the USA deteriorates when the GOP bankrupts the Sovereign Federal Government, people will suffer. There will be increased homeless within the month following the bankruptcy. There will be hunger nearly immediately.

The Red Cross (click here) is to start collecting food for families in the UK who are struggling to feed themselves.
The charity said the campaign was a first step in considering whether it should be doing more to tackle the current "food poverty challenge".
British Red Cross will send volunteers to supermarkets to ask shoppers to donate items to be given to food banks through the charity Fareshare.
It said there was strong evidence of families in need through food poverty....

Winter is coming and in some areas of the country that means many people will be exposed to the elements. Over a fairly short period of time the USA will look more and more Third World. Just to clarify, Third World countries have two classes of economics, the wealthy and the poor. The USA will look more and more like China.

See, the Sovereign Debt of the USA and the monies the countries puts in economies around the world is important. It is powerful. It effects other nations.  When the USA's rating takes a dive again, that means the interest on the Sovereign Debt increases. That means the tax monies going into the US Treasury will be the same, although it will dwindle in time. It will exponentially dwindle as the economy continues to fail.

But, the percentage of monies available for government spending will become less and less as the interest on the debt grows. 

In testimony, Secretary Jack Lew stated, "...the US Treasury does not prioritize the dispersements of monies..." (click here)

The statement by the Senator from North Carolina is stupid. Senator Burr stated, "The USA would easily be able to pay the interest on the national debt. He stated, "It would be debt service..." that could be paid for by the lack of payment of salaries to employees. Senator Burr is an ignorant idiot that has no clue as to how the US Treasury works while believing it operates as if it were his personal budget. Now, if we are going to try and tell Americans the National Debt and Debt Ceiling is not like a personal budget, shouldn't the Republicans in the legislature be educated as well? I mean it is cruel to leave people floundering in ignorance.