Monday, October 21, 2013

Affordable does not mean cheap.

 I don't know how many times I've stated this before.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a wonderful law. People in the USA are finally receiving and keeping health insurance. The insurance is not cheap. In some instances a person can benefit from a sliding scale cost that provides them with high quality healthcare.

The law is not going anywhere. We are not going back to Americans dying because there is no healthcare insurance available again. It is over. The Insurance Industry siege on the people of this country is over. They can no longer throw people off their insurances because they actually needed it.

High Quality Health Care Insurance means people and their children receive regular medical attention. They receive preventive care rather than emergency care. 

Previous to The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the outcomes of health care due to dependency on the whims of middle management bonuses or threats by insurance companies to their employees in order to keep their jobs of were, not receiving high quality care. All too many people were receiving needed care, not preventive care. The cost of health care in the USA is skewed. As a nation we really don't know what the final outcomes will be once all citizens are receiving high quality care. 

So, there was no doubt the nation needed laws to end the abuse of health insurers. There were abuses of health insurers. It is a fact. It is recorded. It needed to end. There was no conscience within the industry so much as profit margin.

The nation finally has healthcare laws. The demands of the law has initially caused companies to exaggerate their costs and increase premiums. The companies front loaded their liability. THEN. The nation started to get refunds on their premiums as of last year. NOW. All citizens have the opportunity to subscribe to health care insurance. The citizens that cannot afford it will receive subsidies to make it possible to live a natural longevity rather than a manufactured life span based in the fact they didn't have health insurance. Not just didn't have health insurance, but, high quality health insurance.

The nation as a whole now has a conscience that defines it's will to protect the lives of the citizens of this country. Enough. No one wants to hear how this law was not necessary or evil or takes away the rights of Americans or attacks the liberty of all Americans. It is nonsense. The nightmare is over. 

The USA is falling tragically behind when compared with it's peers. The government has a responsibility to address the problems with health and longevity of its citizens.

This is a straight forward study which simply matches longevity of several countries considered to be peers.

...This is a comparative life expectancy (click here) chart. The red dots show the average lifespan of American women compared to women in nine other well-off countries (represented by the black dots.) As you can see, we aren't doing so well. Or, rather, American women since 1979, compared to those other countries, are underperforming. We are at the bottom of the improvement pile....