Where does anyone believe this memo came from? The CIA issued this memo to Former President Bush. This is the memo Senator Feinstein persisted in demanding Former Vice President Cheney pay attention to because the timeline was three months. Cheney stated they could not get to it for six months. Cheney completely disregarded the burgeoning danger because he was more interested in his energy committee than the nation.
There needs to be a consortium of nations handling these investigations. This is sovereignty issue. The USA has no business exploring the infrastructure of Germany. They are allies. Like what? The USA is appropriating funding for this? In Germany? I don't think so. This is just asserting power to simply asset power.
A screenshot of the Boundless Informant tool released by Edward Snowden shows Germany in orange, representing the most spied upon country in the EU.
June 10, 2013
The rankings of what EU nations are snooped on, and how much, can be seen in a color-coded map of covert National Security Agency surveillance activities, EUObserver.com reported Monday.
Nations subject to the least spying activities are shaded green; those with the most red.
All EU members are various shades of green on the map. Germany is orange.
The map, called Boundless Informant, is among documents released by Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and NSA contractor who says he is the person who this month leaked information about the U.S. metadata collection program known as PRISM.
About 3 billion pieces of metadata information were collected in a 30-day period, the map shows. That data includes calls made, location of the phone, time of the call and duration.
A handbook for the map says it uses "big data technology" to "produce near real-time business intelligence."
Boundless Informant "allows users to select a country on a map and view the metadata volume and select the details about the collection against that country," the handbook adds.
By Harriet Torry
July 1, 2013
...Chancellor Angela Merkel's government (click here) on Monday demanded clarity from the U.S. over allegations that the National Security Agency spied on European Union institutions, saying that if true they would constitute an unacceptable breach of trust between the close partners.
Seeking clarification on the matter, the foreign ministry has called the U.S. ambassador to Germany, Philip Murphy, for a meeting later Monday, a spokesman for the ministry said....