June 12, 2013
by Ron Nixon
Shortly before the Senate voted to approve its version of the farm bill on Monday, Mr. Boehner said he had some issues with the provisions currently in the House version — specifically a program to help dairy farmers — but nevertheless said the measure would be brought up for a vote.
“As a longtime proponent of top-to-bottom reform, my concerns about our country’s farm programs are well known,” Mr. Boehner said in a statement. “But as I said on the day I became speaker, my job isn’t to impose my personal will on this institution or its members....
It is a FIVE year bill, not a ten year bill. See, if it were a ten year bill it
would be less spending than the previous bill, but, it is not a ten year bill.
HR1947 of the 113th Congress (click here) FIVE YEARS. Not ten.
To provide for the reform (click here) and continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department of Agriculture through fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes
Speaker Boner is attempting to make people desperate about the Farm Bill by terrifying parents about the Dairy provision. In other words, "Pass It, Just Pass It, before Boner does something more to our lives." There are all kinds of changes in this bill, including rolling back forestry laws.
Speaker Boner is attempting to make people desperate about the Farm Bill by terrifying parents about the Dairy provision. In other words, "Pass It, Just Pass It, before Boner does something more to our lives." There are all kinds of changes in this bill, including rolling back forestry laws.
Subtitle A—Repeals and Reforms
Sec. 1101. Repeal of direct payments.
Sec. 1102. Repeal of counter-cyclical payments.
Sec. 1103. Repeal of average crop revenue election program.
Sec. 1104. Definitions.
Sec. 1105. Base acres.
Sec. 1106. Payment yields.
Sec. 1107. Farm risk management election.
Sec. 1108. Producer agreements.
Sec. 1109. Period of effectiveness.
Subtitle B—Marketing Loans
Sec. 1201. Availability of nonrecourse marketing assistance loans for loan commodities.
Sec. 1202. Loan rates for nonrecourse marketing assistance loans.
Sec. 1203. Term of loans.
Sec. 1204. Repayment of loans.
Sec. 1205. Loan deficiency payments.
Sec. 1206. Payments in lieu of loan deficiency payments for grazed acreage.
Sec. 1207. Special marketing loan provisions for upland cotton.
Sec. 1208. Special competitive provisions for extra long staple cotton.
Sec. 1209. Availability of recourse loans for high moisture feed grains and seed cotton.
Sec. 1210. Adjustments of loans.
The Billionaire Republican Sugar Growers in Florida have their own title.
Subtitle C—Sugar
Sec. 1301. Sugar program.
Subtitle B—Reauthorization of Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978
Sec. 1481. Repeal of dairy product price support and milk income loss contract
Sec. 1482. Repeal of dairy export incentive program.
Sec. 1483. Extension of dairy forward pricing program.
Sec. 1484. Extension of dairy indemnity program.
Sec. 1485. Extension of dairy promotion and research program.
Sec. 1486. Repeal of Federal Milk Marketing Order Review Commission.
Subtitle A—Repeal of Certain Forestry Programs
Sec. 8001. Forest land enhancement program.
Sec. 8002. Watershed forestry assistance program.
Sec. 8003. Expired cooperative national forest products marketing program.
Sec. 8004. Hispanic-serving institution agricultural land national resources
leadership program.
Sec. 8005. Tribal watershed forestry assistance program.
Sec. 8006. Separate Forest Service decisionmaking and appeals process.
Subtitle B—Reauthorization of Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978
Sec. 8101. State-wide assessment and strategies for forest resources.
Sec. 8102. Forest Legacy Program.
Sec. 8103. Community forest and open space conservation program
Sec. 8201. Rural revitalization technologies.
Sec. 8202. Office of International Forestry.
Sec. 8203. Change in funding source for healthy forests reserve program.
Sec. 8204. Stewardship end result contracting project authority.
This should be very interesting reading. This is a spending bill. This is LOADED. Cheney must have written this one.
Section 9001 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 8101) is amended by—
(1) striking paragraph (4) and inserting the fol-lowing new paragraph:
(A) I
.—The term ‘biobased product’ means a product determined by the Secretary to be a commercial or industrial product (other than food or feed) that is—
‘‘(i) composed, in whole or in significant part, of biological products, including renewable domestic agricultural materials and forestry materials; or
‘‘(ii) an intermediate ingredient or feedstock
The Republicans are marking forests as biofuels for burning. There needs to be lawsuits from inside and outside the USA to stop this travesty.
This is all mischief. We were through this in 2009 which clearly stated Biofuels did not include the burning of biomass for electricity. Biofuels were suppose to be those that were used for ethanol and biodiesel production, not this. The 'feedstock' is any kind of garbage they can find to burn related to anything wood.
Deforestation needs to stop in the USA. This will drive CO2 levels higher by destroying forestland and burning the wood instead of allowing normal processes of trees to return soil to the forest floor. The global community has to file suits against the USA to stop this idiocy. This is nothing by stupid policy for the wealthy. There is no conservation in mind at all here.
Possibly through the WTO, too. Flooding the international market with cheap lumber while burning the garbage producing severe climate events globally.
Any kind of biomass burning, including wood from forests, produces very high emissions of NOX and SOX. Besides the CO2. This is not only inefficient energy, but, it is high in pollution.
I want to put this into context. When a biomass plant dedicated to producing electricity begins it's burning it requires huge amounts of biomass to satisfy energy production in comparison to coal. There is FAR MORE CO2 production from biomass electricity plants than any coal plant. The emissions and ASH are very dangerous from these plants. The ASH is significantly higher than that of coal and it is very toxic with some elements produced being radioactive. This is outrageous.
Burning wood produces many less BTUs per ton compared to coal.Both are carbon fuels and should not be used for energy production, however, coal produces more energy with less toxins and CO2. NEITHER are good solutions, but, burning wood is far more dangerous to air quality and environmental stability.
Wood Burning Creates Dioxin, Radioactive Particles and Releases Stored Lead.
Burning wood produces acid rain. Above are the heavy metals of burning wood for fuel.
The chart above is a study from 1996, I think. No matter, wood is wood. Nothing has changed including the technology. It is a publication of the USA government before corrupt values set in. This was from the day when quality of life mattered.
A Review of Environmental Impacts (click here)
The USA federal government should be seeking the preservation of it's forests and not their destruction. It should be providing incentives to protect forests, build Heritage Forests and improve carbon sinks. This is a program for immediate wealth not the interests of future generations of Americans.
Possibly through the WTO, too. Flooding the international market with cheap lumber while burning the garbage producing severe climate events globally.
Any kind of biomass burning, including wood from forests, produces very high emissions of NOX and SOX. Besides the CO2. This is not only inefficient energy, but, it is high in pollution.
I want to put this into context. When a biomass plant dedicated to producing electricity begins it's burning it requires huge amounts of biomass to satisfy energy production in comparison to coal. There is FAR MORE CO2 production from biomass electricity plants than any coal plant. The emissions and ASH are very dangerous from these plants. The ASH is significantly higher than that of coal and it is very toxic with some elements produced being radioactive. This is outrageous.
Burning wood produces many less BTUs per ton compared to coal.Both are carbon fuels and should not be used for energy production, however, coal produces more energy with less toxins and CO2. NEITHER are good solutions, but, burning wood is far more dangerous to air quality and environmental stability.
Wood Burning Creates Dioxin, Radioactive Particles and Releases Stored Lead.
Burning wood produces acid rain. Above are the heavy metals of burning wood for fuel.
The chart above is a study from 1996, I think. No matter, wood is wood. Nothing has changed including the technology. It is a publication of the USA government before corrupt values set in. This was from the day when quality of life mattered.
A Review of Environmental Impacts (click here)
The USA federal government should be seeking the preservation of it's forests and not their destruction. It should be providing incentives to protect forests, build Heritage Forests and improve carbon sinks. This is a program for immediate wealth not the interests of future generations of Americans.
.—The term ‘forest product’ means a product made from materials derived from the practice of forestry or the management of growing timber
Forest Product, not Forest Protection. This is the lousiest Congress this country has ever had. Boner isn't a leader, he is a Yes Man. The Congress is A VOID OF MORALITY. It destroys for the purpose of wealth, while people go
hungry. Yet, they want to eagerly spend money on war. These are policies of
immoral people.