If North Carolina shuts down the exotic dancing industry in the state it will deprive it's treasury of a sizeable amount of income.
It is no different than the attack on public schools, these are all the bozos that have no ideas, so they go to the state capital, pass legislation they believe will be to their advantage and try to redefine success.
The Republicans in North Carolina try to mimic success, then when they are unsuccessful they seek to pass legislation to destroy success so they can turn around and profit from the recreation of success.
It's nonsense. It is the same thing Neil Bush does. He wants to demonize public education, turn it's on it's head and then redefine it for profit, in this case an electronic paradise. Same thing.
The deception to the public is always the same. The state has to be purer and rid itself of evils such as titty bars in order to be redeemed out of economic collapse. North Carolina's economic collapse happened long before 2008 and is why the Contractor Lobby is now powerful.
What does anyone think that entire mess happened under "W?" Every federal bill was a contractor's dream. Why so many? Buildings are built and the job is over so there needs to be more and more building otherwise the economy collapses. The problem in North Carolina is the construction lobby is running out of room to build things.
The real motto of North Carolina and the Republican Party is, "A pure state and nation will bring about heaven."
But, back to the titty bars, they are a sincere opportunity for poor women. They are respected. The Titty Experience doesn't end at the bar, there are radio programs, internet commerce and any kind of commercial explosion one can imagine, including, T-shirts, motorcycle rallies and names of boats. The strippers, oh excuse me, exotic dancers provide for interviews and advice on business management.
I do not lie.
So, if North Carolina shuts down the titty bars they lose more than half their state treasury income. Serious.
For those that are seeking to protect the electorate through lawsuits remember this,...
...the decision that will be made for justice and constitutional content won't happen until the appeals process makes the Virginia Appeals Court. If there is defeat in any of the lower courts before Virginia that is the STANDARDIZED corruption of North Carolina. The corruption has existed a long, long time and it is the Virginia Appeals Court decision that actually governs law in North Carolina. Expect to take it all the way to the Virginia Appeals Court and nothing less. Once it makes it to Virginia it will be permanent law.
But, Mr. Moffitt is one of those men elected to government because of his rhetoric. How many are no in the US House. They are legislating nonsense and nothing that matters.
Tim Moffitt
Apr. 23, 2013
...Moffitt sponsored and introduced the bill earlier this year, (click here) but he pulled it in February just before a planned vote in the House. The bill would clarify the state’s indecent exposure law to make it illegal for women to expose their nipples, but it also would include the possibility of women being charged with a felony for nipple exposure.
Moffitt introduced the bill at the request of the city of Asheville, he said. The bill has an exemption for breast-feeding mothers.
For two years in a row, a private group hosted a topless rally in downtown Asheville, drawing a large and boisterous crowd. The city of Asheville said its hands were tied because state law allows toplessness and a city ordinance could not supersede that.
State Sen. Tom Apodaca, R-Henderson, who chairs the powerful rules committee, said late last week, “The nipple bill is in trouble.” The provision that could make nipple exposure a felony, which is part of the existing indecent exposure law, “was way too much,” Apodaca said....
One other thing, Art Pope. He is a lot of hot air. He is affiliated with John Locke Society, Americans for Prosperity, but, his NC State lecture series doesn't carry that stupidity.
The monies he spends at North Carolina State is not spent on frivolous nonsense. I sincerely doubt the Chancellor would allow such nonsense for his enrollment. The John. W. Pope lecture series currently provides something like $110,000 per year for five years.
This is its most recent speaker:
LUIGI ZINGALES (click here)
Robert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance and the David G. Booth Faculty Fellow
Blowing the Whistle (click here)
Which External Controls Best Reveal Corporate Fraud?
Research byAdair Morse and Luigi Zingales
...As the new millennium dawned, so did a spate of U.S. corporate scandals. The names Enron, WorldCom, and numerous others are tainted by cases of corporate fraud and malfeasance. These frauds and the accompanying outrage spurred the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). The underlying premise of SOX was that institutions charged with uncovering fraud had failed in their duties, and their incentives and monitoring needed to be enhanced....
It is no different than the attack on public schools, these are all the bozos that have no ideas, so they go to the state capital, pass legislation they believe will be to their advantage and try to redefine success.
The Republicans in North Carolina try to mimic success, then when they are unsuccessful they seek to pass legislation to destroy success so they can turn around and profit from the recreation of success.
It's nonsense. It is the same thing Neil Bush does. He wants to demonize public education, turn it's on it's head and then redefine it for profit, in this case an electronic paradise. Same thing.
The deception to the public is always the same. The state has to be purer and rid itself of evils such as titty bars in order to be redeemed out of economic collapse. North Carolina's economic collapse happened long before 2008 and is why the Contractor Lobby is now powerful.
What does anyone think that entire mess happened under "W?" Every federal bill was a contractor's dream. Why so many? Buildings are built and the job is over so there needs to be more and more building otherwise the economy collapses. The problem in North Carolina is the construction lobby is running out of room to build things.
The real motto of North Carolina and the Republican Party is, "A pure state and nation will bring about heaven."
But, back to the titty bars, they are a sincere opportunity for poor women. They are respected. The Titty Experience doesn't end at the bar, there are radio programs, internet commerce and any kind of commercial explosion one can imagine, including, T-shirts, motorcycle rallies and names of boats. The strippers, oh excuse me, exotic dancers provide for interviews and advice on business management.
I do not lie.
So, if North Carolina shuts down the titty bars they lose more than half their state treasury income. Serious.
For those that are seeking to protect the electorate through lawsuits remember this,...
...the decision that will be made for justice and constitutional content won't happen until the appeals process makes the Virginia Appeals Court. If there is defeat in any of the lower courts before Virginia that is the STANDARDIZED corruption of North Carolina. The corruption has existed a long, long time and it is the Virginia Appeals Court decision that actually governs law in North Carolina. Expect to take it all the way to the Virginia Appeals Court and nothing less. Once it makes it to Virginia it will be permanent law.
But, Mr. Moffitt is one of those men elected to government because of his rhetoric. How many are no in the US House. They are legislating nonsense and nothing that matters.
Tim Moffitt
Apr. 23, 2013
...Moffitt sponsored and introduced the bill earlier this year, (click here) but he pulled it in February just before a planned vote in the House. The bill would clarify the state’s indecent exposure law to make it illegal for women to expose their nipples, but it also would include the possibility of women being charged with a felony for nipple exposure.
Moffitt introduced the bill at the request of the city of Asheville, he said. The bill has an exemption for breast-feeding mothers.
For two years in a row, a private group hosted a topless rally in downtown Asheville, drawing a large and boisterous crowd. The city of Asheville said its hands were tied because state law allows toplessness and a city ordinance could not supersede that.
State Sen. Tom Apodaca, R-Henderson, who chairs the powerful rules committee, said late last week, “The nipple bill is in trouble.” The provision that could make nipple exposure a felony, which is part of the existing indecent exposure law, “was way too much,” Apodaca said....
One other thing, Art Pope. He is a lot of hot air. He is affiliated with John Locke Society, Americans for Prosperity, but, his NC State lecture series doesn't carry that stupidity.
The monies he spends at North Carolina State is not spent on frivolous nonsense. I sincerely doubt the Chancellor would allow such nonsense for his enrollment. The John. W. Pope lecture series currently provides something like $110,000 per year for five years.
This is its most recent speaker:
LUIGI ZINGALES (click here)
Robert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance and the David G. Booth Faculty Fellow
Blowing the Whistle (click here)
Which External Controls Best Reveal Corporate Fraud?
Research byAdair Morse and Luigi Zingales
...As the new millennium dawned, so did a spate of U.S. corporate scandals. The names Enron, WorldCom, and numerous others are tainted by cases of corporate fraud and malfeasance. These frauds and the accompanying outrage spurred the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). The underlying premise of SOX was that institutions charged with uncovering fraud had failed in their duties, and their incentives and monitoring needed to be enhanced....