Romney should limit his foreign language expertise to French.
He has character issues, who knew he loved vaginas this much? Does anyone thing that was a code to someone in the audience?
Look, anyone that won't provide at least six years of tax returns while running for the Presidency of the United States of America has character issues. He is afraid of the truth. That is all I need to know. For all I know he has a real love for vaginas of the right size.
Posted: 08/15/2012 6:01 pm
Updated: 08/15/2012 9:55 pm
That's probably (click title to entry - thank you) what presidential candidate Mitt Romney was asking himself as he finished up an interview with Miami's Radio MambĂ on Monday, a station mainly targeted at Cuban exiles.
According to Mediaite.com, in light of the governor's imminent campaign stop at convicted cocaine trafficker Reinaldo Bermudez' El Palacio de los Jugos (The Palace of Juices), host Carlos Santana asked Romney, “They’re waiting for you with a mamey and a guayaba — Cuban fruits — here in Miami, do you like those?”
“I am a big fan of mango, papaya , and guava,” Romney answered. Well of course he's a fan of papaya, it is a superfruit after all.
Santana, stifling his laughter, added. “There are mangos there too.” Great, but will there be papayas there?...