Monday, July 23, 2012

The Second Amendment of the USA was never to be a danger to the citizens.

The 2nd Amendment states 'a well regulated militia...'

The reason the militia/military of the USA is well regulated is so they do not become an enemy to the citizens.

Nowhere in the 2nd Amendment is there an understanding the people of the USA should arm themselves to be stronger and more powerful than their military. The people aren't suppose have to achieve that 'citizen' agenda. It is "W"rong to believe the citizen has to arm themselves enough to defeat the USA military when it turns on them. THAT IS DEMENTED! The USA military is comprised of our sons and daughters. It is completely demented to believe they would ever attack the citizens of this country.

There are laws in the USA requiring the government to confiscate any munition build up within the country's borders that threatens the sovereign authority of the USA. There can't be oligarchs in the USA that own their own fighter jets, pilots and army. That is not possible. The USA military is the sovereign authority defending this country.

There is absolutely no sovereign right for arms ownership by any one citizen to facilitate the ability to wipe out populous of people. That was the intent of the gunmen in Aurora, Colorado. He wanted to wipe out a populous of people to the number of 6000.

"...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." That statement is about the right of a person to own arms and ACT in cooperation with others to defend their country. There is no way the Second Amendment gives consent to one person having so much munition power to cost the lives of so many. Quite the contrary, the Second Amendment provides for citizens to always be armed to provide for a well regulated militia. It is a coming together required by the Second Amendment to justify arms of citizens, not the sole ownership of them to assault of other citizens. It has nothing to do with justification of arms that could assault the authority of the government at any level.

The interpretation of the NRA regarding the Second Amendment is bizarre, contrived and an attack against the government's sovereignty. The NRA's definition of the Second Amendment is demented. I challenge the gunman to appeal to the Supreme Court his right to own guns and munitions in the number and deadly force he did.