Thursday, March 22, 2012

STRANDED ! "Addicted to Oil" Bush was the beginning of the death of the Gulf of Mexico. This is when

The oil exploration ship Western Neptune pulls streamers, sensors that stretch four miles behind the ship and record data from the ocean floor.  

Don't even try to state there haven't been existing attempts to drill in the USA.  That is all Bush lusted after with the excuse "Americans are addicted to oil."  Sure, but, other than seeking deeper drilling, Bush did dearly nothing to remove the burden of the oil addiction!

STRANDED.  The Bush/Cheney White House and the Republican majority STRANDED the American people, NOW VICTIM to the RHETORICAL answer still today!

Drilling Deep in the Gulf of Mexico (click title to entry - thank you)

...The Neptune and three other ships are on a three-month mission to map one of the most remote regions of theUnited States. The data they collect from the vibrations set off by the guns in the gulf’s deepest waters will help engineers form a picture of some of the world’s newest petroleum prospects.

As oil consumption grows and access to most oil-rich regions becomes increasingly restricted, companies are venturing farther out to sea, drilling deeper than ever in their quest for energy. The next oil frontier — and the next great challenge for oil explorers — lies below 10,000 feet of water, through five miles of hard rock, thick salt and tightly packed sands.

“It’s not a place for the timid,” said Paul K. Siegele, the vice president for deepwater exploration at Chevron, which commissioned a survey by the Neptune. “It’s a place where a lot of people have lost their shirts.”...