Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I am not buying the CBS/NYTimes Poll. According to others it is an outlier.

CBS News/NY Times3/7 - 3/111009 A4147-6
ABC News/Wash Post3/7 - 3/101003 A4650-4
Gallup3/9 - 3/111500 A4943+6
Rasmussen Reports3/9 - 3/111500 LV4752-5

The New York Times/CBS changed their structure.  A populous of opinion doesn't change that drastically overnight for any reason. There was not a major event occurring in that time frame to cause such outcomes. Gas prices have been horrible. The problem is speculation and everyone knows it. WALL STREET.

Wall Street is in New York, right? I mean if the opining are folks like Paulson I guess they are more unhappy than the rest of the nation.

Let's see what was the trauma last week?  Hmmmm.... Oh, yeah, Limbaugh.  Could it be the propaganda networks supporting Wall Street imagineering of the public be losing ground?  My, my, my.

If foreign policy appears to be the problem, it is ISRAEL.  

President Obama cannot appear to be confident he is assessing he Iran situation correctly, he needs to put forward the facts backing up that dynamic. He needs to make the people of the USA as confident about the Iranian assessment as he has been. He is painted as a diplomat rather than a general in his public image. When it comes to a potential release of nukes, it won't be tolerated and will make people nervous. Most Americans prefer to bomb Iran as a prevention rather than be confident otherwise. It is called fear.

If the fear exists it is because of the 'uncertainty' raised as a political tool by the right.