Friday, June 03, 2011

Was "The Two Americas" a myth? No. That was evident in October of 2008 and beyond.

I sincerely believe the criminal charges against John Edwards has resulted for political power and personal gain rather than legitimate reasons.

One has to ask how long the "National Enquirer" is going to bank roll this story?  It is a dead horse that is receiving a beating for no reason at all.


Sad, but, true.  But, enough is enough and a strong reason this is becoming a witch hunt in North Carolina is because of the law suit of Andrew Young.  Fool that he is.  (click title to entry - thank you)  Well, after all it was he that 'made all dreams possible,' yes?  Yes.

I find it really, really odd that the prosecution is actually using Ms. Mellon's handwritten notes as evidence in a case that involves good friends and a benevolent Southern Bell.

I do believe there is a 'hint' of vengence for Elizabeth that lives on as well.  That is unfortuate as I am certain she had higher regard for her own dignity than that.

But, as to Ms. Mellon.  I will write about another Southern Bell and what happens after their spouses die.

I can't help but realize the hideous nature of 'how far' this has all gone.  I mean the National Enquirer lost all dignity with maintaining the longevity of this topic.  It is one thing to bring to light the mistress of a potential president, but, to continue to 'stir the pot' for stirring purposes is more than hideous.

Moses Herman Cone (click here)  (June 29, 1857 – December 8, 1908) was an American textile entrepreneur, conservationist, and philanthropist of the Gilded Age who was active in the southern United States. He began his career in sales and became an innovator who offered finished clothing, which was unusual in an era when textiles were normally sold as unfinished cloth....

No one in the USA knows Moses from 'the south.'  He was a ruthless SOB that knew how to get blood from a nickel.  I am sure his wife would agree.  See Mrs. Cone didn't have control of any money while he was alive.  Not that she suffered in silence, not at all, but, she 'had to put up with guy.' ya know?

Church going folks.  Moralists.  There was always a reason for unfathomable wealth in the way of Christian morality.  It provided income 'enough' for people to feed their familes and live in the 'rent controlled' housing that was owned by the company of which the employees paid for monthly.  So, there were always reasons why the Southern Gentry could call themselves Gentry even if their employees and their employees familes lived in poverty and squalor.  Ah, those were the day.

Well, you see, good 'ole Moses here died before his wife.  She, being a good Christian wife and longing to be sure there was a seat in heaven for the poor bastard after a reasonable stent in purgatory decided she needed to move into more moderate 'digs' and use the vast fortune her spouse amassed for a benevolent reason.

So, in recognition of Moses she built a hospital to benefit all the families that worked for the industries of Moses and his family.  The hospital stands yet today in Greensboro in memory of him and is required to carry his name forever as the 'original charter' stipulates.  That 'role' if you will is extremely typical for fine Southern Bells seeking to find joy in relieving the suffering of others.

I don't know Ms. Mellon.  I am not even going to pretend to.  But, I don't have to and still realize why she was so involved with Senator John Edwards, his wife Elizabeth and his hopes of bringing social justice to the USA as a Vice Presidential and later Presidential hopeful.  There was absolutely nothing malicious in the relationship 'of hope' that developed between the former Senator and Ms. Mellon.  Nothing.  No lies.  No deceits.  Disappointment, perhaps, but absolutely no conspiracy to hide a child that was not aborted from the public.

Instead, the longing for a better America was smeared by an irresponsible videographer that could not or would not separate herself from her subject long enough to bring about the changes in the USA that Ms. Mellon dreamed of.  I am quite sure Ms. Mellon did not know Ms. Hunter, nor asked to meet her.  It is ONLY my estimation that Ms. Mellon assumed from people like Andrew Young that Ms. Hunter was extorting monies from John Edwards.  A fine Southern Bell seeking a better path for the USA in the promise of a devoted man would believe the best of him and the worst of a woman that was attempting to disrupt a marriage and a dream.


In the estimation of a wealthy widow if money was what Ms. Hunter wanted then money is what she was to have. 

The engineering of the particulars of all that was the work of Mr. Young.  If that isn't obvious than I don't know what is.  It is interesting a civil suit surrounding an extortion tape is being brought by Young after he engineered the arrangement for Ms. Hunter and the image for the former Senator.

When marriages are assaulted and fall into disrepair in the south it is said, "Things get ugly."  They have.  Unfortately.  I find the entire mess quite over exposed and interesting 'BLUR' of the facts for political and personal reasons by people other than the accused in both instances.

I wish the Edwards family the best and hope there is a good and just outcome for John.  Not being legitimately involved in politics and having a daughter that doesn't live with his other children is punishment enough as far as I am concerned.  It should be enough for everyone else including the ludicrous "National Enquirer" that managed to elevate their news rag to 'heroic dimensions' and actually believes readers still believe it maintains that status.

Elizabeth Edwards lived a magnificent life.  She will never have her memory diminished.  She was exceptional in every way.  No one needs a media service interested in vengence beyond vengence to validate that either.