Sunday, January 23, 2011

The word 'respect' should mean something and it simply doesn't anymore. Anything goes.

The Green Bay Packers are going to the Superbowl.

I guess so.  With 1,017 pounds (click title to entry - thank you) of human flesh pointed at a Quarterback, is there any doubt what this is all about?

It isn't about football, it is about causing injuries and placing a human wall in the way of progress to the goal line.  There is no way a Quarterback can even attempt a running game with monsters like this on the other side of the scrimmage line.

This is a nightmare for any Quarterback who would like to have his 'first string' teammates make it to the 'end of the season, yet alone the Superbowl.

I don't watch professional ball anymore.  I used to be a huge fan when the game was played as the game was suppose to be played, but, between steriods and the lack of 'self respect' supposed 'heroes' are allowed by the so called Professional Leagues, such as this NFL team I don't find it interesting, yet alone a sport.

The professional leagues of any sport were once 'gentlepersons' sports.  It just ain't so anymore and it ADDS to the deterioration of the 'moral' content of the American Fabric. 

These men are going to have health problems, but, damn that if the money is right.

Having 1000 pounds of flesh or more on any defense line should be outlawed, because, is it not 'good sportsmanship,' nor either are some of the 'attitudes' on the field, such as 'bumping' after the referees have called the play.

These people are supposed to be sports heroes and the First Lady actually thinks she is going to have an impact on childhood obesity?  I wish her the best of luck.

I won't be watching the Superbowl.  I suppose there is going to be more political activism like last year and that isn't why I would be tuning in, either.

Tom Landry was my idea of coaching.  I don't recall him being drenched with Gatorade either.

...The marchers (click here) then gathered in the Capitol rotunda to hear speeches from several anti-abortion speakers, including a physician and a priest. Speaking with two priests sitting behind him, Dave Daubenmire, a former football coach from Ohio, criticized churches for not opposing abortion strongly enough in recent years....

Since when does a coach hold a Doctorate of Divinity. 

If the Pro-Lifers want a mission, they can start with violence against women and demand better outcomes for women that are raped but find no reason to prosecute because it simply makes their lives worse instead of better.  The Pro-Lifers can work on incest and all those ills that they simply 'handle' by demanding abortion be outlawed. 

If the Pro-Lifers SOLVED social problems rather than causing them I might even find a way to admire the movement.