It seems as though the Right Wing can't get a lot of things done. They can't control Wall Street to preserve the USA economy in every venue imaginable. They can't generate an independent small business economy. They can't stop the sucking sound from China of our national treasury. They can't solve the health care crisis as demonstrated by the 'Contract with America from 1994. I mean let's face it, in 1994 the Republicans were suppose to have all the answers. "W"rong. The result is the economic, health care and educational crisis we face today.
Rhee is just another example of how high powered and high payed administrators are nothing more than just that. They have no real answers for any crisis.
No surprise here.
By Bill Turque
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 12, 2010; 9:33 PM
..."I'm a serial monogamist, not a job hopper," she said over breakfast in June 2008, citing the 10 years she spent running the New Teacher Project, the nonprofit group she founded before coming to the District.
The defeat of Rhee's political benefactor, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D), abruptly curtailed that scenario. But embedded in planning documents, speeches and D.C. Council testimony is the unfinished business of the Fenty-Rhee era. Some of it remains obvious and beyond dispute....