Martha ran an honest campaign based on the issues. I like her and I believe the Dems made a great choice. She would have been an incredibly capable Senator in the spirit of Ted Kennedy. She maintained her base of 46+ percent. That is standard across the USA for Democrats. About 46 - 48% of the electorate are solidly Democratic.
The Republicans are puppets to Murdoch because their base is something like 33% at the very best. They need Murdoch.
Brown was not an honest candidate. He was highly manipulative and will continue to be. He'll play only to his image and will never make strong and effective policy statements. He is a populous position candidate.
He even denied his family until after he was elected and Mitt Romney didn't take the stage with him until after the election.
There isn't anything difficult to understand here. If a candidate's background and policies aren't visible to the voter they provide the focus for their concerns on that candidate.
Murdoch's media presence is all to easy to find imposed on this candidate. He isn't a good legislator and his record shows it. He has never been a successful legislator in the Massachusetts State Senate, he simply does what is popular and keeps enough of the independent constituency that elected him happy by his rhetoric. That is all this candidate was, was rhetoric. He made no policy states. He didn't have to play to the Republican base in Massachusetts, he needed to find a position that was 'sexy' to Independents.
He let the Murdoch media machine make him into someone that could do something no one else could.
When a political 'figure' plays only to their image in order to maintain their office, they are always at the whim of the media. It is easy to pull their strings.
End of discussion.