Steve McNair dead by gun violence.
(Click title to entry - thank you)
According to the CDC, gun related deaths have been increasing. These rates are per 100,000 people. They are numbers that relate all races, both sex.
The year - the rate by firearms alone. The rate increases are NOT statistically proportional to explain away the phenomena by population increase alone.
2000 - 3.84
2001 - 3.982002 - 4.11
2003 - 4.10
2004 - 3.96
2005 - 4.15In real numbers, those are 10,801 human beings in 2000 increasing to 12,352 human beings shot to death in 2005.
The Brady Campain still news your support. Amazing. Will the NRA ever be defeated? (click here)
As a side note. The Assault Weapons Ban expired in 2004. It gave permission for increased firearm violence. I don't see that the death rate fell, do you?