Warren is NOT the person for the job. He is alienating too many citizens as a return to EVANGELICAL roots. The "PURPOSE DRIVEN MINISTER" is to survive Bush's decline.
I don't appreciate it. He manipulated a question and answer session between Obama and McCain. It isn't right. There needs to be a broader representation of faiths at the Inauguration. I find this choice offensive.
This choice makes little sense if one is to believe Barak Obama believes in Civil Rights for all !
The Warren invocation (click title to entry - thank you)
Evangelical pastor Rick Warren will deliver the invocation at Obama's inauguration. Postpartisanship, or capitulation?
...Warren campaigned for Prop 8 in California and said: "There are about 2% of Americans are homosexual, gay, lesbian people. We should not let 2% of the population...change a definition of marriage that has been supported by every single culture and every single religion for 5,000 years." He doubts evolution and suggests that man and dinosaur cohabited the planet.
He has said that evangelicals could not support a candidate who was a "Holocaust denier" -- by which he meant, pro-choice.
Warren occupies a unique place in American society. He's probably sold more than 20 million books ("The Purpose-Driven Life" is his big hit). He doesn't look like those frothing lunatic preachers who have been so ubiquitous on American television for 40 years. He looks like the guy who works at the bank, or the guy who lives next door. He doesn't have a southern accent.
And he has said – and this is what has turned him into a "moderate" in lazy journalistic shorthand – that evangelicals should care about more things than abortion and gay people. Yippee. For all these reasons, he goes down easier than your average Dixie tub-thumper....
A Faith Bigot through and through. Under-educated in any of the sciences, bigoted because of it and willing to fight for any cause that 'in innuendo' will sell his prophecy enhancing his personal wealth is the ONLY purpose Rick Warren has. He is a 'popularist' choice and demeans the definition of democracy and civil rights.
Warren (click here), a creationist, believes that homosexuality disproves evolution; he told CNN's Larry King in 2005, "If Darwin was right, which is survival of the fittest then homosexuality would be a recessive gene because it doesn't reproduce and you would think that over thousands of years that homosexuality would work itself out of the gene pool."
Sadddleback Church is the fourth largest in the country with weekly attendance of over 23,000. Just imagine where his membership will go now !