Saturday, December 06, 2008

...problems in our housing, credit and financial markets...

Bush on the Economy Dec 05, 2008 Unemployment 34 Year High!

The Anti-American Bush Administration.

The current opportunity before the country, is to have what they want finally from the USA Auto Industry. We have yet to have available to us the automobiles that will facilitate the future of our children on a planet well protected from Human Induced Global Warming.

With the USA as a partner we could actually oversee the biggest corporate restructing of an industry to help our economy and provide safe, reliable and environmentally friendly personal transportation. It is one part of the overall transportation industry. It has its place and it may as well have a benevolent place.

The reason the USA Automakers have failed IS BECAUSE the USA has had over 30 years of Republican policy whereby they 'dictated' that the 'free market economy' would take care of everything.

Well, it didn't.

What did occur was a highly contentious experience with the USA Automaker as a result of their determination to produce vehicles no one wanted. Everything the Republicans have to say about this issue is no different than the nonsense they have rhetorically put forward about national health insurance. They believe competition in the market place will take care of everything.

Well, it won't.

The reason a free market economy will take place in a benevolent way is because there is government regulation to provide for products the country needs and Americans want. Throughout history, the government regulated the way in which corporations impacted the country. It was healthy and necessary. It limited 'the market share' available to an industry and honed the best out of it. Whenever, one looks at the past and Republican deregulation it has resulted in greed and 'disasterous opportunity' for those unequipped to provide a valued service to the country.

Private enterprise in the USA isn't about 'any' opportunity at 'any' time in order to buoy politics. It is however about providing necessary services to the country, both in what is needed and enjoyed. Regulation to protect workers, their jobs and their families has always been a vital role of the USA infrastructure. Research and Development has to be a vital aspect to free economy that protects its citizens from disaster.

It is time the country 'got over' the 'moralistic' nonsense of the Republican Party. They mix religion with politics and then in order to keep 'their base' they attempt to legislate morality while raiding the USA Treasury and its regulatory infrastructure. The Obama Administration has to provide re-examination of all regulation as they existed before Reagan and find those laws that have done the most damage and their effectiveness in protecting the rights of Americans today.

The housing market slumped because of the 'Republican High Life Lie' to all their electorate and constituency. It was a myth without any end in sight and if regulatory measures were in place could have never occurred. The increase in unemployment due to housing, credit and finance will have to be redirected back into productive jobs that benefit the USA. Why? Because there are far more houses on the market today than will be necessary in the future. Americans were purchasing three or more houses under Bush's Re-election strategy. You gotta be joking? Four Americans can be living in houses previously owned by one.

The 'math' on this in the next five years just isn't there, folks !

If construction workers can't find jobs, its because they won't in the near future either.

The finance industry needs to examine its methodology in foreclosure. To change the locks on the door and taking over a deed isn't effective or beneficial foreclosure. To begin the houses are in such high volume they can't be maintained in good condition for resale. Houses foreclosed by banks literally are left empty without regard to a leaky pipe or broken pipes especially when freezing temperatures penetrate a home. Then to realize that the foreclosure market has few to no buyers makes it hideous to even proceed. It is better to offer some kind of rental agreement than foreclose and then maintain the homes until sale can be made.

The volumes of empty and foreclosed homes and devastated families in the USA because of an election strategy is not only ruthless, but, hideous in its manifestation. The construction industry has to scale back its expectations and to completely believe as Bush and Paulson and Bernanke do that simply adding liquidity to the market will 'fix it' is nothing but pure moronity.

Americans today are happy to be able to salvage one home out of this 'free for all' Republican Ritual of Deregulation for the facilitating of an economy. Barak Obama is more than correct when he states we need to address the needs of Americans in the future by addressing our infrastructure today. Investing in a car industry that actually produces cars that Americans need is not only a 'nice idea' it is a 'requirement' to a return of a 'worker's economy.' We have to change our energy and transportation infrastructure and realize how much that makes every aspect of our economy more valuable.

In the very near future, when there is no more oil, what car are you going to buy and which ones will maintain their value? When oil, in October-November of 2009, starts to skyrocket again, which home will have more value, the one with the solar collector or the one with the oil/gas fired furnace. OPEC has already stated, this fall in prices is only for a little over a year. It will end about the fourth quarter of next year.

We need a different economy, one that will actually return jobs and a tax base to the USA economy. You won't achieve that by 'waiting' for the housing glut to turn around. You'll achieve an economy by invigorating 'innovation' and applying it to need and then to leisure. Got to think outside the box everyone. It is time to 'Take American Back' and it won't happen by indulging the financial markets while depriving the job markets. Investing only in Wall Street will only provide 'More of the Same.' It won't work. We need to change the way we conduct 'business' in the USA. We need to return to 'sensible' regulation that faciliates growth and protects Americans.