The problem with this administration is that they talk out of both sides of their mouths and we know they do. The reality is that as of August, the USA economy stopped producing jobs. The reason is because the USA economy was an artifical economy based in 'the mess' we are now beginning to recover from. I know it doesn't seem like a recovery, but, it is to the point where DC and the States are unable to simply allow this to continue, SO, therefore this is 'the end' of this mess. To continue to believe Bernanke and Paulson while leaving Bush and Cheney in the Executive Branch is simply placing trust where it does not belong.
Regional and state unemployment rates were mostly higher in August (click here). Overall, 44 states and the District of Columbia recorded over-the-month unemployment rate increases, 5 states registered decreases, and1 state had no change, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S.Department of Labor reported today. Over the year, jobless rates wereup in 47 states and the District of Columbia and down in 3 states. The national unemployment rate rose to 6.1 percent in August, 1.4 percent-age points higher than a year earlier.
The USA Legislature has to proceed without 'feeding the beast' that Paulson advocates. A bailout is clearly the "W"rong direction. The people of this country do not want anymore mistakes with their country. The Democrat Legislature is NOT in this alone with an incompetent Executive Branch, however, they have to listen. People will recover their own economy, but, the Legislature has to listen.
This country has been through a lot since the Bush Bunch came into power. One of the 'survival' strategies everyone has been pursuing is to localize economies and encourage States to take control of the well being of their people. Every Democratic State in the USA has followed this strategy while preserving any and all economic growth they could find.
The way out of this mess is for the Federal Legislature to talk to their Governors. To talk to the Mayors of their major cities and learn where 'at street level' this is disaffecting the people of the USA. The Federal Legislature has to be 'reactive' to the needs of the States and their insight.
The fiscal infrastructure that needs to be upheld is at the State and Local levels. It is here that all the focus has gone as Bush has deeply cut supports to the States and Municipalities. The 'trust' extended by the Federal Legislature needs to take place where the 'impact of the negligence of this administration' found its home and that is THE STATES and MAJOR CITIES.
Do not shoot from the hip about this. Paulson and Bernanke are the worst source of expertise to return fiscal strength to the USA. They want to 'globalize' the entire mess and that won't help the people of this country.
For years since Bush took office the people of the USA have been taking back their country. The State governments and Municipalities have addressed this change in 'fiscal authority.' Let's face it, the United Nations has built relationships to stem Global Warming with every major city on the planet. The paradigm has changed, but, the Bush Bunch never bothered to recognize 'the will' of those that saw their country differently.
Half the population of the USA took their country in their own hands and quietly built a stronger America in the only way they could, by fostering local enterprises and strengthening their jobs infrastructure everywhere they found an opportunity. The States can provide guidance to the level of Federal supports they need. The States and Cities have relationships with all these financial institutions. There is plenty of expertise to go around, but, it ain't in DC, its in every Senator's and every House Representative's backyard. The methodology of the intervention by the Federal Government has to uphold the integrity of the State's fiscal infrastructure, otherwise, there will be more failure and more of the same even AFTER any bailout.
Find out what the States and Cities need and how they need to obtain it. It will provide stability and insight that no one in this mess even ventures to recruit. Don't destroy the infrastruture that has been growing parallel to this failure, it will cause a backlash that no one is even speaking to at this point.