July 25, 2008
0600 gmt
Antarctica Vortex (Jet Stream) - 24 hour loop click here
The top ice air mass is disturbed by arriving high tropospheric heat transfers that can be noted in the South Pole Infrared Satellite Image below from 26, July, 2007 at 0722 gmt. What a shame. We're losing both ice masses. Antarctica will take longer to demise simply because it is a continent and not directly 'in contact' with the oceans. At issue and I have written about this before; the stability of a ice mass that is 3 miles high when the supporting terrances are gone.

July 26, 2008
0900 am
Antarctica Surface Winds (click here for 24 hour loop)
The 'onshore winds' are significant and dominate the continent. The 'onshore' winds are probably far warmer than any air over the Blue Ice. Therefore, while the air mixes, the ice is probably subliming while causing a great deal of air turbulence in the entire region. The climate conditions are far from stable. It is safe to say with the loss of the north polar cap proceeding at a phenominal rate, the 'rapid' climate change every scientist worth their salt warned about is well underway.

Google Maps of the current high tropospheric vortex over Tamaki Yacht Club, Auckland, New Zealand.

Tamaki Yacht Club

July 26, 2008
0722 gmt
Antarctica Satellite