A retailer tried to distance itself from the Topps Meat scare over the summer that resulted in nearly 22 million pounds of beef being recalled.
They don't care about people ! The federal legislation has the best health insurance on Earth and they don't care whether there are deaths in this nation or not. We are a smart bunch. Smart enough to know when one citizens goes down you raise voices in opposition and make manufacturers dance on the head of a pin.
When is the USA going BACK to consumer protection and PREVENTING tragedy? This is hideous. I have never seen this country in this poor a condition.
It's a darn shame. There was a reason for the regulations in the first place. I am tired of hearing how Democrats make it impossible to make money. I guess so, especially when it saves lives, property, aesthetics of living, provides health and education thats envied by the world and an environmentally safe world including federal budgets that exceed expectations.
It's time to kick 'em out. People are literally sick of corporations taking advantage of them and allowing suffering on all fronts of American lives. Food supplies, water supplies, toys for children, bankruptcy, a melting world and wars.
Get me out of this mad house ! The country doesn't make sense anymore. All the USA is about is "Every man for himself." Greed at any cost and in any manner.