"I am an independant business man and I do not have health insurance, neither does my wife. We have done fine with a "Pay as you Go" need for health care."
In other words, then they came down with a bacterial infection they went to the doctor, paid for their visit and paid for their antibiotics. Reasonably healthy people with little risk of injury in their business don't carry health insurance because "...it would cost me $8000 per year...."
Also stated was that in thinking about the purchase of health insurance, as they were aging now, they were thinking about a stop smoking medication to help bring down the premiums.
When a health insurance company looks at the cost to smokers it looks at Pack Per Year of smoking, not just whether or not someone has recently quit. I was pleased to hear there was an incentive to stop smoking but at the same time will these people go back to smoking when they realize their insurance premiums will not significantly change?
Then the rationalizing continued, in that, "...if I stop smoking, the entire nation could stop smoking and then where would the Democrats get the monies to pay for their SCHIP?"
I don't believe that is realistic to believe, but, IF the entire nation of the USA stopped smoking which might happen with a tax increase on cigarettes, the 'savings' on health related bills ALONE due to improved national wellness would more than pay for any cost for insuring the youngest members of our country.
Then there was the 'ultimate' arguement. Taxes. Stated, "If I could have all my taxes refunded to me, all $12,000 per year I could easily afford the $8000 I would have to pay for health care."
Yeah, but, who would pay for the military in Iraq that these people believe is so vital to their party? Who would pay for the salaries for their favorite president? Who would pay for the Republican Pork Barrel Projects passed when there was a majority Republican Party in the House and Senate.
Basically, when it comes to having a Republican do the 'right' thing, it has to be legisltated. They'll pay for "Uninsured Motorist" but they won't pay for the "Uninsured Health of Americans."