Jill Carroll at her release.
And survive she did.
She did not do it alone.
But, she did do it without any USA Federal Protections Laws for Journalists.
Formal legislation recognizing the importance of a Free Press domestically and abroad would bring a formal authority to the importance of journalists and journalsim when other governments are involved. Journalists from the USA should have Diplomatic Immunity to laws that covet them in adverse circumstances. It requires first a recognition of them and a process to insure their identity. Then followed by a State Department directive when setting a 'tone' to relations with other country.
Do we value Freedom of Speech? It is vital to democratic principles. This should never be an issue. Journalists are left void of government authority when faced with these issues. If any administration is 'serious' about deomcracy and freedom, then they are serious about the protections the foreign press need.
Journalism brings richness to our lives as well as peaceful purpose to our democracy.